Monday, January 16, 2006

10 Years......

10 years....
What does that amount to in life? How do we define time? Is it the quality or the quantity of time that matters? It should be both. But what if thats not an option? How do you plan for those ten years? What if those ten years are more like five? Or twenty? Why does time seem to have its own speed? One day moving extremely fast, while an hour can last an eternity? What if all you know is that time will be cut short?

All you hear is the ticking of a clock.....
Tick, tick...
One month,
Tick, tick,
Nine months
Nine Years

Where are the people you care about? How many have you lost touch with? Where will they be in ten years? How many sunsets have you let go by unnoticed? How many seasons have you complained about the weather? Its too hot, its too cold. How many things have you left for another day figuring....

Theres always time?
Now, what if you found out that the average lifespan for someone like you was only ten years and already Nine months have flown by?

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